Planned Parenthood’s BIG LIE: Prenatal care is “virtually nonexistent”

The national pro-life organization, Live Action, has released a new investigative video that allegedly exposes Planned Parenthood’s public deception. Planned Parenthood officials continue to purport that their organization provides prenatal care, but the Live Action video reveals something else entirely. As Breitbart reports, it appears that prenatal care is ““virtually nonexistent at the abortion chain.”

The video, entitled, “The Prenatal Care Deception,” is the first of an investigative video series by Live Action. The series, which has been appropriately titled “Abortion Corporation” highlights Planned Parenthood’s very own employees saying that the organization’s primary focus is to give abortions, and not to provide women’s health care. Live Action plans on releasing their video series concurrently with Congress’ plans to redirect Medicaid dollars away from Planned Parenthood and instead direct the funds towards local health clinics, as well as the vote on the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.

Lila Rose, the president and founder of Live Action stated, “Planned Parenthood says it’s a champion of women’s health care, yet prenatal care, which is an essential service for expectant mothers, is virtually nonexistent.”

“Our investigators who wanted to keep their babies were turned away by 92 out of 97 Planned Parenthood centers. It’s clear that despite its claims, abortion is the priority and the only option for pregnant women that visit Planned Parenthood.”

The responses Live Action investigators received included some real gems. At a Planned Parenthood in Tempe, AZ, an investigator was told, “Planned Parenthood offers abortions, so they don’t offer prenatal care.”

At another location, in Merrillville, IN, another employee said, “No, we don’t do prenatal services. I mean, it’s called Planned Parenthood, I know it’s kind of deceiving.”

Live Action intends on investing $500,000 into its ad campaign to help millions of Americans see the series. Their plans for the future videos include exposing the overall lack of health care services provided by Planned Parentood, and will even feature testimonies from former managers.

During a media web conference about the investigation, Rose also revealed that her organization had examined Planned Parenthood’s own annual report of the services it provides to its clients. According to Rose, their analysis indicates Planned Parenthod “provides less than one percent of pap smear tests for women in our country every year,” and “less than two percent of clinical breast exams every year.”

Live Action reports that their findings suggest Planned Parenthood conducts practically zero mammograms and provides less than two percent of women’s cancer screenings across the states. And yet, Planned Parenthood’s figures on abortion are through the roof. The organization provides about 30 percent of America’s abortions, reaching upwards of 887 abortions performed every day. Last year alone, Planned Parenthood performed over 320,000 abortions. In fact, according to Live Action, the abortion corporation provides 160 abortions for every one mother and child that it refers for adoption.

Rose simply states,”Their focus as an organization is insincere.”

“It’s not women’s healthcare as they market themselves to be but, instead, their focus is their abortion practice and their abortion lobbying.”

Rose says that Planned Parenthood is an untrustworthy organization that blatantly lies to the public, like when Live Action exposed child sex trafficking 2011. Recently, Live Action has released public records that show Planned Parenthood’s failure to report child sex traffickers to local authorities. The organization claims to report such activities, and also claims it has trained thousands of its employees to identify victims and perpetrators in the sex trafficking industry. According to a former manager, however, Planned Parenthood actually used that training time to teach employees how to detect undercover journalists. (Related: Keep up with the latest lies at

Planned Parenthood has been the subject of controversy for many years now. Even if you are pro-choice, the deceitful behavior of this organization simply should not be ignored.


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